Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Maya's Favorite Part of Disney

This was Maya's favorite part of the whole trip. She absolutely loved going to the pool especially going down the slide. She went down the slide repeatedly!

Animal Kingdom

The animal kingdom was one of the last parks that we went to. There was a whole dinosaur part which Ethan of course loved. He also was just tall enough to go on the big Mt. Everest ride which he loved! The safari ride was really neat and Maya actually enjoyed going on it. We were able to see all of the animals pretty close up!

Taking a Bath

After a long day at the park the kids enjoy a bubble bath

Universal studios

Erika, Mark, Eric, and myself went to Universal Studios one of the days during our stay. The kids stayed back with my parents because there weren't too many kid rides at the park and they got to go back to downtown disney and eat at a dinosaur restaurant! This day was probably the hottest day in florida and by the end of it I was absolutely exhausted but, I got to see the Harry Potter exhibit! It was exactly like you were in the movie and I enjoyed a butter beer in the excruciating heat!

Character Breakfast

One of the mornings before heading to the parks we had a character breakfast at Chef Mickey. We had a buffet breakfast during which every 10 minutes a different character would come and visit every table and sign the kids autograph books. we weren't sure what the kids would think of it. Maya was pretty scared of each character as they came but, wanted to see them just the same. Therefore I am in every picture with the characters. Even though Ethan could have cared less about the characters when we were at the parks he was captivated by the characters at the brunch. He especially loved Minnie Mouse and blushed when she gave him a kiss good-bye. After the breakfast we went to Epcot for a little bit. Maya was not impressed by epcot at all so she went back to the pool with Erika and Mark. Ethan's favorite ride in Epcot was the crash test dummy ride.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Magic Kingdom

On the first morning we were at Disney World we went to the Magic Kingdom. We made sure to get up early and try and get there as early as possible. We lucked out and were able to make it on a couple of the big rides with very little wait time. Maya didn't want to go on any of the rides but, she was content riding in the stroller and they had little play areas where she liked to play.

Disney World

We went to Disney World (thanks to my parents!) for one whole week. My parents and my brother and sister came as well. Ethan drove to florida with my dad and Eric and of course loved the 17 hour trip! Knowing that Maya does not like the car as much as Ethan does I opted to fly with her. She did great on the plane and slept most of the way. We had a great time, the weather was extremely hot, topping the high 90's everyday. Ethan loved every single minute of Disney World and was a real trooper even in the heat. Maya did fairly well for a two year old. She had her moments but, she truely loved the pool that was near our villa. I wasn't sure how to post the pics that I took so I broke them up my the days. This is the first night we were there. We played in the smaller pool that was within walking distance of our hotel. Since it was so hot the water wasnt even refreshing it was so hot but the kids still had a good time. We also took a boat trip to downtown disney and had dinner. Maya was obsessed with the statues that are really people. We couldn't get her to leave.

Pool Party

Eric's aunt has a pool in her backyard and invited us to come over one weekend. The kids jumped right in the pool. Maya liked playing in the smaller pool which is supposed to be a hot tub but, was not turned on at the time. Ethan was all over the place and loved going off the diving board. He insisted on keeping his life jacket on which made it difficult to try and dive off the board.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Paddleboating in Downtown Naperville

Eric's family was here the first week of June for a family graduation party. Over the hot hot weekend we went to downtown Naperville to walk around. Ethan saw the paddleboats and wanted to try them. They were a lot of fun however it was a little more difficult paddling the boats around then I had thought. We topped the afternoon off with a lunch at the Potters.

First Swim of the Summer

This was the first day that we were able to get the pool out this summer. Ethan and Maya stayed in the pool for about three hours. This year Maya is actually able to play and jump around without falling face first into the water!

It's Been a While!

Since, I have not posted since Ethan's birthday about three months ago I decided to compile everything that happened in the spring and put it in one slideshow. The highlights include Easter in Iowa, Meeting Ellinor for the first time, Mother's Day, and Ethan's graduation. Hopefully I can get the summer caught up and stay on track!

Ellinor Langel

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Ethan!!

Ethan turned five years old on March 21st. My family was able to come over and celebrate his birthday, again. Of course they went overboard and got him more gifts. The highlights were the razor bike, which is pretty cool. It whips you around in circles. Ethan also got a huge blue ball which you sit in and someone rolls you around in it. It was pretty fun, I even tried it however we are not sure where we are going to put it, thanks Uncle Mark! Ethan had his five year old check-up this week he is still in the 90th percentile in height and 80th percentile in weight. He got his shots for kindergarten which he was worried about the entire time but, did pretty well with it. Ethan loves anything having to do with animals and can tell you quite a bit about them. He enjoys playing baseball and basketball and finally likes swimming lessons! He loves to hang out with Maya until she wrecks his stuff. He enjoys going to school and is pretty good at math, I think he might have the engineering brains in him! Unlike his father and I he is a planner, he is always asking us what are plan is for today and the next day. We can't tell him anything in advance! He shares a special relationship with my grandmother and tells her she is his best friend, it is the cutest thing in the world, however you have to watch them because they can get into lots of trouble together! He is an active tough little boy with a kind heart and can't wait to see what this year brings him!

Ethan's Birthday Party

This year Ethan had his fifth birthday party at Monkey Joe's. We had never been there before but, the kids had a blast. Brett, Frank, Lucas, Maggie and Jack came to celebrate with him. Eric had the job of chasing after Maya, since I had done it the previous weekend at Lucas's party. That is easier said then done. She was trying to keep up with the bigger kids and she would do pretty good for a two year old but you still would have to climb with her which is pretty exhausting! I barely saw Ethan because he was running around so much. we ate pizza and had shark cake, which was Ethan's choice. the cake turned out awesome thanks to Lindy Lapore who has made the kids birthday cakes for the past two years. i just gave her the idea and she took off with it! The entire cake was edible! Ethan was excited to open presents and there was even an appearance by Monkey Joe, which scared Maya and Jack to death. It was a fun day but left us all exhausted when we got home.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Joe and Marens Baby Shower

Joe and Maren are expecting a baby any day now. A couple of weeks ago Eric, Ethan and I went to Iowa to celebrate their baby shower, Maya stayed back with my parents it was a little too long of a trip for her. The shower turned out great and everyone was able to make it back for the event. Ethan had a great time and is hoping that Maren will have a baby boy but, he told me that also he hoped she would have a boy that was four years old, I told him that I didn't think that was possible.

Waiting for Grandma and Grandpa

I had made the mistake of telling the kids that my parents were coming over to see them. So Ethan and Maya grabbed their chairs and decided to wait at the window. They sat their and waited for 15 minutes until my grandma and grandpa came. What isn't on film is two minutes after I took this picture the two started fighting and Maya ended up falling off the chair.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Maya Grace is Two

Maya Grace turned two years old yesterday. It is amazing how time flies by. She is coming into her own and definitely has her own personality. You can tell that she has an older brother and goes to daycare with all boys because she is a tough little cookie and doesnt mind getting dirty or rough housing. Ethan and her run through the house every night. She loves her big brother Ethan and as soon as he calls her name she screams out "Ethan Im coming!!" she is also definitely a little girl. she loves to look pretty and put on dress up clothes. She shows Eric her outfits every morning. She also loves to dance and sing, her favorite songs include Frosty the Snowman and Katy Perry's Firework (interesting combo I know!). She talks a mile a minute and even falls asleep talking to herself. Maya also loves babies, she feeds her babies, changes them, and tries to dress them. I caught her the other day getting out all of her diaper stuff and changing the daddy doll from her doll house with no help from anybody! She has such a kind little heart and beautiful smile we are truly blessed to have such a wonderful little girl in our lives.

Maya's Birthday Party

We had Maya's Birthday at our house this year. we had some friends and family come over to help her celebrate her day. Of course, it had to be a Dora themed birthday party, Maya loves everything to do with Dora. Grandma and Papa Langel, Staci, and Tera were able to make it out for her party. we started the day off by taking Ethan to ski lessons which he has now perfected going up the ski ropes himself and made it down the hill multiple times. Its amazing the differences between this week and four weeks afo. Then Ethan had another birthday party to go to while I got the house ready to go. maya wasn't quite sure what her birthday meant but she sure loved all of the attention and the presents. She got a ton of stuff. Kate Jim and Will gave her dress up clothes and by the end of the night Ethan was dressing her in all of the clothes and Will was joining in on the fun! It was a lot of fun and Maya is such a lucky girl to have such good family and friends in her life.

Making Cupcakes

While Ethan and Eric were outside shoveling snow Maya and I were making cupcakes to take to the babysitters to celebrate her birthday. Maya decided she wanted to help so I let her put on the sprinkles.

Snow Day!

Last Wednesday morning we woke up to a quite the snow storm. It was more snow than I have seen in a long time. We had school off on Wednesday and Thursday. Eric didnt have work on wednesday. Ethan was a big help outside shoveling. Maya and I went outside for a little bit but she didnt like the snow blowing in her face so we came back inside. Here are a couple pics of the kids outside.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ski Lessons

For the past three weeks Ethan has been taking Skiing Lessons. This is the first day that I remembered to take a camera. He has improved quite a bit from the first lesson. On the first day they had all the four year olds in one section and the instructor asked if any of the kids had taken lessons before. Ethan raises his hand straight in the air that he had lessons before (he hasn't). We had to tell the instructor that he hadnt any lessons and when I asked him later why he had put his hand in the air he said that he had taken swim lessons! It took the kids half the time to get their skis on and they barely made it down the hill. They also needed lots of help getting to the top of the hill. By the end of the lesson today the kids were going down the hill themselves and Ethan even tried going up the tow rope himself. He got part of the way up and then fell, but he tried. They were also able to go through an obstacle course which was a lot of fun.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Langel Christmas

Two days after Christmas we headed to Iowa to have Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Langel. After the eight hour trip there the kids were ecstatic to find more christmas presents under the tree.

Christmas Morning

This year we stayed at my parents Christmas Eve, which was easier than going back and forth from our house. The kids loved it and with the snow that evening it worked out much better. Christmas morning Ethan ran downstairs but, Maya was still sleeping so he had to wait for her to wake up. When she woke up they both ran to where the presents were and started ripping them open. Maya's favorite was her new dollhouse and Ethan said he loved everything and didnt have a favorite. Later that evening family friends came over for Christmas dinner and played wii games. When we got home to our house Ethan saw that Santa had stopped at our house with a couple more gifts!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we went to Church and then headed back to my parents house for dinner. Ethan couldn't contain himself so he was able to open one present before dinner. After dinner we all opened presents. While Ethan opened and looked at each present Maya was a maniac and was crawling under the tree trying to find more presents for herself. She opened all of her presents and mine and Papas. It was a fun evening and Ethan was excited to put out the Christmas cookies on the fire place.

Christmas Snow

On Christmas Eve we went to my parents house. It was the perfect weather to be playing outside. It was warm but there was plenty of snow. The snow was not very good for making snowmen but, the kids had a great time. We had to drag Maya inside!

Cookies and Presents

These are the first christmas presents of the season for Ethan and Maya as you can see they were quite happy with the gifts. Molly and Jack came over for lunch and presents. Maya has been putting the baby in her seat and feeding everyday! Unfortunately I didnt get any pics of maya and Ethan with Jack. That night we made some sugar cookies and frosted them. Ethan was in charge of frosting and Maya helped put on the sprinkles.

Santa's Breakfast

The week before christmas we went to Santa's Breakfast at my dad's club. We ate so much food, ethan was especially excited about the chocolate fountain. Ethan was nervous to sit on Santa's lap but, he wanted to tell him what he wanted for christmas. Maya wasn't sure what was going on but since Ethan went on his lap Maya did as well, however she said nothing when Santa asked her what she wanted.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gingerbread Houses

It has been an annual event to go to my dad country club to decorate Gingerbread houses. Every year it has been one of Ethan's favorite thing to do during the holiday season, and this year Maya got to join in for the first time. this year we met my parents and aunt Erika there. Ethan was very patient about waiting to decorate the gingerbread houses and eating dinner first. they make the whole event kid friendly they have every type of kids food possible that you could want in a buffet along with food for the adults and then they have a station for the kids to make sundaes. finally the kids are able to decorate their gingerbread house at the table. they provide a huge bowl of candy and then Ethan and Maya dug in. I wasnt sure if Maya would like doing it but, she sat for quite a while putting up candy. she did lck quite a few fo the candies before they want on the house. Ethan put every last piece of candy up on the house.

Putting up the Christmas Tree

You will notice there are only two pictures of the Langel family putting up the Christmas tree this year. This was the calm before the storm. This was Maya's first year of really being able to take part in the festivities and boy did she ever try to take part. Immediately following the two picture there were ornaments being thrown across the room paper flying everywhere and Ethan screaming that Maya was going to break everything. Meanwhile Maya had a huge smile on her face while she was singing about Christmas. Maybe we will have more pics next year!

Building a snowman

On Saturday we woke up to Ethan flying through our door screaming that there was snow outside and asking if we could go and play out in it. Me being the ultimate procrastinator had not gotten any boots yet, so off we went at 8 am to get snow boots for the kids. When we were finally able to make the snowman Ethan, Eric and Amani our neighbor made a pretty good snowman. maya was sleeping so she will have to join in next time. Ethan was pretty proud of his snowman, we were even able to use the snowman kit that I had when I was little.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Last night was Halloween and we lucked out there was not rain and the sun was shining. It got a little chilly as the night went on but it didn't stop Ethan and Maya! Ethan went a Wolverine, which he has been wearing the costume all week and has been known to sport it to the grocery store a few times. Maya had the choice between a couple of costumes and she ended up wanting to wear the witch costume, she has been very particular about what she wears recently, and so I assume her pickiness has started!! I was able to get one pic of her with her hat on but that was it. The night before we carved pumpkins which Ethan picked out a spider and Eric did the rest of the work. On Halloween we went out trick or treating and I wasnt sure how Maya would do. Ethan convinced Uncle Mark to come out with us. Maya was very timid in the beginning and made us hold her but, once she found out that she got to put a piece of candy in her bucket every time there was no holding her back. She would push her way to the front of the line and then would say a sweet little thank you. We were able to stay out for about an hour and half and then Ethan said he was done and ready to eat some candy so we went home, warmed up and had some chili.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lion King

On Saturday night we were able to take Ethan to go and see "The Lion King" in the city. We went with my mom and my sister. I had Ethan take a late nap so that he would be able to stay up for the show which was at 8:00pm. I think Ethan's favorite part of the whole trip was the car ride down. Ethan and my mom were talking about the different bridges and roads the whole way down, a future engineer right there! When we got out of the car he yelled yes, we are in the city, it was so cute. We ate at a corner bakery near by the theater and then we were able to enjoy the show. We ended up having first row seats so Ethan could see the people and animals close up. One of the Giraffe heads even ended up in Eric's lap! I wsa so proud of how Ethan acted that late at night he was a very big boy. The show was great and Ethan woke up asking when we could go to the city again!

Picking Pumpkins

Grandma and Grandpa Langel came last weekend with Tera and Kevin. They were able to go to Ethan's soccer game and we also went picking pumpkins at a local pumpkin patch that Sara and Chrissy had told me about. We didn't get there until about an hour before it closed which was perfect because nobody was really around. The kids were able to pick out the pumpkins that they wanted and to run around in the pumpkin patch, needless to say when we got home we were very dusty and dirty and the kids were put in the tub immediately

Jumping in the Leaves

The other day we went over to my mom's house to play in the leaves since they have huge trees that drop tons of leaves, we only get about 10 leaves in our yard. Ethan's friend Matt came and played with the kids as well. Ethan ended up having more fun raking the leaves and Maya really couldn't have been bothered by the leaves she wanted to go out in the front and play on the bike, oh well maybe next year.

Maya and Will

Kate, Jim, and Will were able to come over a couple of weekends ago just to hang and watch the blackhawks game and have some pizza. It was fun to see the kids play together because they are so close in age, only a week apart and we were able to catch up a little bit before kate and Jim's lives get even crazier with two little ones!