Monday, July 25, 2011

Disney World

We went to Disney World (thanks to my parents!) for one whole week. My parents and my brother and sister came as well. Ethan drove to florida with my dad and Eric and of course loved the 17 hour trip! Knowing that Maya does not like the car as much as Ethan does I opted to fly with her. She did great on the plane and slept most of the way. We had a great time, the weather was extremely hot, topping the high 90's everyday. Ethan loved every single minute of Disney World and was a real trooper even in the heat. Maya did fairly well for a two year old. She had her moments but, she truely loved the pool that was near our villa. I wasn't sure how to post the pics that I took so I broke them up my the days. This is the first night we were there. We played in the smaller pool that was within walking distance of our hotel. Since it was so hot the water wasnt even refreshing it was so hot but the kids still had a good time. We also took a boat trip to downtown disney and had dinner. Maya was obsessed with the statues that are really people. We couldn't get her to leave.

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