Monday, February 7, 2011

Maya Grace is Two

Maya Grace turned two years old yesterday. It is amazing how time flies by. She is coming into her own and definitely has her own personality. You can tell that she has an older brother and goes to daycare with all boys because she is a tough little cookie and doesnt mind getting dirty or rough housing. Ethan and her run through the house every night. She loves her big brother Ethan and as soon as he calls her name she screams out "Ethan Im coming!!" she is also definitely a little girl. she loves to look pretty and put on dress up clothes. She shows Eric her outfits every morning. She also loves to dance and sing, her favorite songs include Frosty the Snowman and Katy Perry's Firework (interesting combo I know!). She talks a mile a minute and even falls asleep talking to herself. Maya also loves babies, she feeds her babies, changes them, and tries to dress them. I caught her the other day getting out all of her diaper stuff and changing the daddy doll from her doll house with no help from anybody! She has such a kind little heart and beautiful smile we are truly blessed to have such a wonderful little girl in our lives.

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