Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Character Breakfast

One of the mornings before heading to the parks we had a character breakfast at Chef Mickey. We had a buffet breakfast during which every 10 minutes a different character would come and visit every table and sign the kids autograph books. we weren't sure what the kids would think of it. Maya was pretty scared of each character as they came but, wanted to see them just the same. Therefore I am in every picture with the characters. Even though Ethan could have cared less about the characters when we were at the parks he was captivated by the characters at the brunch. He especially loved Minnie Mouse and blushed when she gave him a kiss good-bye. After the breakfast we went to Epcot for a little bit. Maya was not impressed by epcot at all so she went back to the pool with Erika and Mark. Ethan's favorite ride in Epcot was the crash test dummy ride.

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