Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ethan's Birthday Party

This year Ethan had his fifth birthday party at Monkey Joe's. We had never been there before but, the kids had a blast. Brett, Frank, Lucas, Maggie and Jack came to celebrate with him. Eric had the job of chasing after Maya, since I had done it the previous weekend at Lucas's party. That is easier said then done. She was trying to keep up with the bigger kids and she would do pretty good for a two year old but you still would have to climb with her which is pretty exhausting! I barely saw Ethan because he was running around so much. we ate pizza and had shark cake, which was Ethan's choice. the cake turned out awesome thanks to Lindy Lapore who has made the kids birthday cakes for the past two years. i just gave her the idea and she took off with it! The entire cake was edible! Ethan was excited to open presents and there was even an appearance by Monkey Joe, which scared Maya and Jack to death. It was a fun day but left us all exhausted when we got home.

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