Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ski Lessons

For the past three weeks Ethan has been taking Skiing Lessons. This is the first day that I remembered to take a camera. He has improved quite a bit from the first lesson. On the first day they had all the four year olds in one section and the instructor asked if any of the kids had taken lessons before. Ethan raises his hand straight in the air that he had lessons before (he hasn't). We had to tell the instructor that he hadnt any lessons and when I asked him later why he had put his hand in the air he said that he had taken swim lessons! It took the kids half the time to get their skis on and they barely made it down the hill. They also needed lots of help getting to the top of the hill. By the end of the lesson today the kids were going down the hill themselves and Ethan even tried going up the tow rope himself. He got part of the way up and then fell, but he tried. They were also able to go through an obstacle course which was a lot of fun.

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