Monday, February 7, 2011

Maya's Birthday Party

We had Maya's Birthday at our house this year. we had some friends and family come over to help her celebrate her day. Of course, it had to be a Dora themed birthday party, Maya loves everything to do with Dora. Grandma and Papa Langel, Staci, and Tera were able to make it out for her party. we started the day off by taking Ethan to ski lessons which he has now perfected going up the ski ropes himself and made it down the hill multiple times. Its amazing the differences between this week and four weeks afo. Then Ethan had another birthday party to go to while I got the house ready to go. maya wasn't quite sure what her birthday meant but she sure loved all of the attention and the presents. She got a ton of stuff. Kate Jim and Will gave her dress up clothes and by the end of the night Ethan was dressing her in all of the clothes and Will was joining in on the fun! It was a lot of fun and Maya is such a lucky girl to have such good family and friends in her life.

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