Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This fall I signed Ethan up for soccer. Every saturday morning he has had practice and the last two weeks we had a game. The weather has been interesting on the first day it stormed and was cold the next weekend it was 85 degrees and this past weekend it got cancelled again due to rain. Ethan had a rocky start to soccer. he was so pumped putting on his shin guards but when he found out he had their team had to wear pink he was pretty bummed. He finally got over the pink shirt and enjoyed playing the game. Maya has gone to every practice with her folding chair to cheer on her brother. We still aren't sure if he is cut out for soccer, he still tries to tackle the kids as he is playing and after he scored a goal he thought the game was over and was laying down in the sidelines. He had a crowd cheering for him, grandma slick, erika, grandma and papa langel and tera and all came to cheer him on.

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