Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ski Lessons

For the past three weeks Ethan has been taking Skiing Lessons. This is the first day that I remembered to take a camera. He has improved quite a bit from the first lesson. On the first day they had all the four year olds in one section and the instructor asked if any of the kids had taken lessons before. Ethan raises his hand straight in the air that he had lessons before (he hasn't). We had to tell the instructor that he hadnt any lessons and when I asked him later why he had put his hand in the air he said that he had taken swim lessons! It took the kids half the time to get their skis on and they barely made it down the hill. They also needed lots of help getting to the top of the hill. By the end of the lesson today the kids were going down the hill themselves and Ethan even tried going up the tow rope himself. He got part of the way up and then fell, but he tried. They were also able to go through an obstacle course which was a lot of fun.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Langel Christmas

Two days after Christmas we headed to Iowa to have Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Langel. After the eight hour trip there the kids were ecstatic to find more christmas presents under the tree.

Christmas Morning

This year we stayed at my parents Christmas Eve, which was easier than going back and forth from our house. The kids loved it and with the snow that evening it worked out much better. Christmas morning Ethan ran downstairs but, Maya was still sleeping so he had to wait for her to wake up. When she woke up they both ran to where the presents were and started ripping them open. Maya's favorite was her new dollhouse and Ethan said he loved everything and didnt have a favorite. Later that evening family friends came over for Christmas dinner and played wii games. When we got home to our house Ethan saw that Santa had stopped at our house with a couple more gifts!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we went to Church and then headed back to my parents house for dinner. Ethan couldn't contain himself so he was able to open one present before dinner. After dinner we all opened presents. While Ethan opened and looked at each present Maya was a maniac and was crawling under the tree trying to find more presents for herself. She opened all of her presents and mine and Papas. It was a fun evening and Ethan was excited to put out the Christmas cookies on the fire place.

Christmas Snow

On Christmas Eve we went to my parents house. It was the perfect weather to be playing outside. It was warm but there was plenty of snow. The snow was not very good for making snowmen but, the kids had a great time. We had to drag Maya inside!

Cookies and Presents

These are the first christmas presents of the season for Ethan and Maya as you can see they were quite happy with the gifts. Molly and Jack came over for lunch and presents. Maya has been putting the baby in her seat and feeding everyday! Unfortunately I didnt get any pics of maya and Ethan with Jack. That night we made some sugar cookies and frosted them. Ethan was in charge of frosting and Maya helped put on the sprinkles.

Santa's Breakfast

The week before christmas we went to Santa's Breakfast at my dad's club. We ate so much food, ethan was especially excited about the chocolate fountain. Ethan was nervous to sit on Santa's lap but, he wanted to tell him what he wanted for christmas. Maya wasn't sure what was going on but since Ethan went on his lap Maya did as well, however she said nothing when Santa asked her what she wanted.