Thursday, June 17, 2010

Batter Up!

Ethan was able to play t-ball this year. It was only everyday for one week but, he really seemed to enjoy it. Since, it was all four year olds they didn't play too much actually t-ball but they learned all about running the bases, fielding a ball, throwing, and hitting. On the final day of t-ball they got to do a small scrimmage against another team. Every night Ethan would ask when we were going to t-ball. He did a really good job with the hitting and knew how to run the bases but, he is still working on fielding the ball. When they were playing against another team and in the field Ethan tried to be the first to get the ball each time, he even tackled another player to do so, Eric had to talk to him in the dug out to go over the rules again. When he was running the bases the helmets were to big and it drove him crazy so he would run around the bases with his hands covering his ears so the hat wouldn't fall off, it was hilarious! Here's some pics of his baseball debut!

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