Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day! We had a pretty busy day, this morning we went to a the family fun center in Yorkville which has bumper boats, go carts and mini golf, this is something Ethan picked out to do since he saw it one day when we passed it by one the road. He did everything there that you could possibly do including a water balloon launch which I got more wet then he did, then we went and had hot dogs and ice cream at a nearby hot dog stand. After the kids naps we went to grandma and papa Slick's house for a steak dinner and hung out until it was time for bed.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Batter Up!

Ethan was able to play t-ball this year. It was only everyday for one week but, he really seemed to enjoy it. Since, it was all four year olds they didn't play too much actually t-ball but they learned all about running the bases, fielding a ball, throwing, and hitting. On the final day of t-ball they got to do a small scrimmage against another team. Every night Ethan would ask when we were going to t-ball. He did a really good job with the hitting and knew how to run the bases but, he is still working on fielding the ball. When they were playing against another team and in the field Ethan tried to be the first to get the ball each time, he even tackled another player to do so, Eric had to talk to him in the dug out to go over the rules again. When he was running the bases the helmets were to big and it drove him crazy so he would run around the bases with his hands covering his ears so the hat wouldn't fall off, it was hilarious! Here's some pics of his baseball debut!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hospital Hill 10K Run

This past weekend Eric and I traveled down to Kansas City to meet his family. Over the weekend Eric and many members of his family ran in the hospital hill run (I had the stomach flu so I watched!!). On the T-shirts that you get it says "I conquered the hill" and did they ever. Who knew that Kansas City was so hilly. There were five hills that went straight up, looked pretty tough as I was sitting on the sideline watching, but everyone made it through the race! Afterwards it was time to go to Eric's cousin Tanya's house for a 30th birthday party and a few cocktails. They even had a full pig roast, which I heard was delicious but I passed.

Pool Time!

It was so hot this weekend that we pulled out the pool for the first time. I think Ethan spent the entire afternoon in it. he had every outdoor toy in the pool with him as possible. He was also doing running leaps into the pool. This was also Maya's first time in the pool this summer but, she was more content standing outside of it and putting her fingers in the water, I am sure this will be a regular thing throughout the summer.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day

Here are a couple pics of Maya on Memorial Day. I only took a couple but, I thought her hair was so cute in the pictures and it was her first time eating a chip! the product in her hair was a combination of sweat, sunscreen and bananas you cant beat it!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ethan's Graduation

I wasn't able to get a lot of pics of Ethan's preschool graduation but, here is one with his teacher Miss Marcy. My mom got a bunch on her camera. For graduation all of the kids wore a graduation cap and they each got their names announced by their teacher. When his name was called he walked from the back of the church to the front stage all by himself. it was so cute all of the kids were really nervous especially with such a huge crowd of people. After all of the names were announced the classes all sang a song together and then had muffins and juice for a reception.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Here are a couple pics of Maya. She is obsessed with chairs, which is fun but tends to be dangerous because she often falls out of them. She gets on the chair and then seconds later she gets out of the chair.