Monday, March 22, 2010

Ethan's 4th Birthday Party

Ethan had his fourth birthday party today! His party was at Bounce Town. Lucas, Maggie, and Brettman and Franky had a great time bouncing around, by the time the food was ready all of the kids were exhausted including Maya who didn't get her usual morning nap! Grandma and Grandpa Langel and James and Brea were able to make the long trip to Chicago. Ethan wanted a construction vehicle themed birthday, and he got the perfect cake for the party. It was a huge excavator (Ethan pointed out that it was actually a back hoe!) made out of pound cake on top of a chocolate cake, it tasted awesome! Ethan was so excited that it was finally his birthday, there have been a lot of parties he has gone to recently so he was glad that it was finally his turn! Happy Birthday E!

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