Monday, June 29, 2009

The Omaha Zoo

On our trip out to LeMars, Iowa to see Grandma and Papa Langel we stopped at the Omaha Zoo. Grandma, Papa, Tera, Joe and Maren met us there. We got to the zoo when it opened and we were there until about 4 in the afternoon. I think we saw everything you could possibly see. This includes a 3D movie which scared Ethan to death (he thought the fish were going to eat him), a sky tram (which equally scared mom to death), and a train ride around the zoo (Ethan's favorite). Maya enjoyed just being outside and watching all of the people. Although there were a few three year old challenges throughout the day I think everyone had a great time. both kids fell asleep within two minutes of getting in the car, that is the sign of great time!

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