Monday, June 29, 2009

The Omaha Zoo

On our trip out to LeMars, Iowa to see Grandma and Papa Langel we stopped at the Omaha Zoo. Grandma, Papa, Tera, Joe and Maren met us there. We got to the zoo when it opened and we were there until about 4 in the afternoon. I think we saw everything you could possibly see. This includes a 3D movie which scared Ethan to death (he thought the fish were going to eat him), a sky tram (which equally scared mom to death), and a train ride around the zoo (Ethan's favorite). Maya enjoyed just being outside and watching all of the people. Although there were a few three year old challenges throughout the day I think everyone had a great time. both kids fell asleep within two minutes of getting in the car, that is the sign of great time!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Mortem Arboretum

One of the only hot summer days that we have had so far we headed out to the Mortem Arboretum with Grandma and Papa Slick and Erika. It was a little too hot for Maya but, Ethan had a blast. We all took turns climbing in the tree houses and Ethan got to explore the animal habitats.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Roll Over

I was able to get a shot of Maya in action rolling over. She doesn't like to lay on her back so...

Keep Going!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Maya's Batism

It was a beautiful day for Maya's baptism. We had a wonderful brunch before hand at Grandma and Papa Slick's house and then went on to the baptism. It was a really nice ceremony. The kids made it through the long ceremony and Ethan entertained the whole family. I am thankful there was so much family there to entertain him and be there for Maya's big day.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hanging out with the Family

The rest of Eric's family came out for Maya's baptism this weekend and Ethan had a chance to play with all of his uncles and aunts.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Chicago Children's Museum

Eric's Parents came a couple days early for Maya's baptism. We had planned on going to the Mortem Arboretum for the day but, the weather did not cooperate. Instead we packed up and went downtown Chicago. We ate lunch at the Grand Lux and the went to the children's museum. We were there for almost three hours Ethan had a blast with all of the different exhibits. He especially loved the water works area. Needless to say we were all exhausted when we got home.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Rainforest Cafe

Since Maya has been born Ethan hasn't been getting as much mom and dad time as he was used to so, grandma and grandpa Slick came over to watch Maya while we took Ethan to The Rainforest Cafe. Ethan loved the fake crocodile and our table was right next to a huge fish tank, Ethan counted five different Dory's.

Playing T-Ball

It's Baseball season!! Ethan got out his baseball bat and glove and took a couple practice swings. He had a lot of fun and made some pretty good hits.

Monday, June 1, 2009

We put Maya on her stomach and this is the first time she was able to hold herself up. She held it there for quite a while and then of course face planted. Ethan decided he would show her how to do it, what a big brother.