Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa's Breakfast

We had a very busy weekend. On Saturday Ethan got invited to Maggie's third birthday party at bouncetown. The kids had a blast and were exhausted after all of the bouncing, myself included. After Maggie opened her presents she gave each of the kids a gingerbread train which Ethan could not wait to make! After his nap Eric, Ethan and I made the train, I think Ethan might have eaten more candy then put on but he thought it was really neat! On Sunday we went to the annual Santa's breakfast at my dad's country club. When we asked Ethan if he was going to sit on Santa's lap he said no, maybe tomorrow. So we decided to see how it would go, after we had a wonderful breakfast/lunch we stood in line to see Santa. Ethan was really excited but, very nervous. I think that it helped that Maya was sitting on his lap. Finally, Ethan went to stand by him and told him that he wanted race cars, dinosaurs, and animals for christmas. He also added that Maya wanted clothes. Maya was awe struck by Santa claus as you can see from the pictures.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Decorating Gingerbread Houses

On Wednesday night Eric, Ethan and I met up with Erika and Papa at Cress Creek to make Gingerbread houses. Maya got to stay home with Grandma. First we had dinner which consisted of finger foods for the kids and fish for the adults, I preferred the kids menu! After dinner we started to decorate the houses. Ethan probably ate as much candy as he put on the house. When we were done he couldn't wait to go home and suprise Grandma with it!

Happy Thanksgiving

This year Thanksgiving was at our house. My family came over in the mid morning for appetizers and then we had the traditional dinner later on. Everything tasted great even the turkey wasn't too bad, except for having to make it. Following the dinner we had a couple rounds of Wii which Ethan loved. Maya had a wonderful first Thanksgiving.

Veteran's Day

On Veterans Day Ethan, Maya and I met Grandma and Papa in Downtown Naperville to see the flags, there were 2009 of them on the hill! After we saw the flag that Papa and Grandma bought we went to lunch.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Ethan was so excited about Halloween this year. He had been wearing his costume since his school party. He even wore it out to dinner when we went on Friday night. On Halloween we carved the pumpkin, Ethan wasn't too much of a fan of getting dirty however Maya was all about trying to get into it, this is why there are no pictures of that event, it was way too crazy! When E woke up from his nap he got into his spider man costume and Maya got into her Bee costume, we bundled up and went throughout the neighborhood. Maya and I only lasted about twenty minutes and we went home to pass out candy with Grandma. Ethan was out about an hour before he came back in. He ate a ton of candy that night and woke up the next morning wanting to put back on his costume.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ethan's Halloween Party

The thursday before halloween I got a chance to go to Ethan's school for his halloween party. It was so much fun to watch the kids. They had no idea what was going on. Ethan didn't even recognize his teacher! When they were playing the games they had no clue what to do. The whole time Ethan kept asking when he was going to get cookies and candy. Finally, after all of the games and crafts we sat down to eat. This was the beginning of Halloween weekend!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Apple Orchard

Over the weekend we went to the apple orchard to pick apples. Erika and my mom came with us. Even though there was a long wait for the tractor ride to the apple orchard Ethan had a great time picking apples. I think he ate about two of them as we were walking through the orchard, he kept telling us how juicy they were. The only way we could get himout of the orchard was by bribing him with the apple donuts. We all enjoyed the donuts, poor Maya was exhausted by the end of the trip.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Maya Loves Attempting to Walk

Maya has decided that she wants to walk even though she is only eight months old. She loves to stand and hang onto the couches. She has even started to let go and try to walk.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Crazy Hair Day

Today was crazy hair day for Ethan. He wanted to have his hair spiked and he got to pick out the colors for his hair! When he came home that night he was telling me the colors that he wanted for his hair the next day.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ethan's First Day of Preschool

This was Ethan's first day of Preschool. I think mom was more nervous than Ethan actually was. He did great and he even took a picture with his teacher for me.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Joe and Maren came for a visit and we were able to go to a the Labor Day parade, and meet my family there. We also went miniature golfing and Joe and Maya made a great team, he held Maya the whole time and managed to beat the rest of us.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Maya's bath

Since the kids bathroom was getting painted and Maya needed a bath we had to use our bathroom sink. Ethan decided to give us a hand. I dont know who got more wet Maya or me and Ethan! Please excuse the clorox bottles in the background, no we do not wash our kids in bleach!!!!

Ethan helps daddy paint

We are painting the kids upstairs bathroom, Ethan wanted to help his dad and paint too. Eric set up a section where ethan could paint, so here is Ethan's master piece.

Maya's First Ride on the Swing!

This is Maya first ride on the swing in our backyard, as you can tell she loved it!!

Navy Pier

On one of the last days before I headed back to school I took Ethan to Navy Pier. My sister and my brother joined us. Maya stayed home with Grandma. It was the day before the air and water show so the planes were practicing pretty low in the sky right over us. We took the train down which was the cheapest part of the trip and I think the most fun for Ethan. We also took a boat taxi and went on every possible ride at Navy Pier. We had fun playing miniature golf going on the ferris wheel, however Erika wanted off that ride as soon as possible! We ended the day just as it was starting to too hot and too crowded.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Brookfield Zoo

This week is the last week before school starts so I decided to take Ethan to the zoo. Grandma and Grandpa Slick came with us along with Mark. Thank goodness they were there, I threw my back out that morning so I kind of hobbled along through the zoo. Ethan had a great time, the dinosaurs scared him to death and when we were on our way home he told us all of the animals that we had forgotten!

Will and Maya

One of my best friends, Kate had a baby a week and a half after Maya was born. She had a beautiful boy named Will. We have not been able to get the kids together too many times and the times we have seen each other I have forgotten my camera. Jim and Kate were able to come over for a BBQ and I was able to get some shots of the kids together. It was kind of crazy between Ethan talking nonstop and Maya and Will but, it was a lot of fun and great to finally get time to spend with the Pustays.

Swim Lessons

Every Saturday morning over the summer Ethan has been taking swim lessons. Needless to say he has not been very excited to go. He cried every saturday that we took him. He always got in the water but he would cry for about the first five minutes. My goal was to at least get him in the water. Here are a couple of pictures from his last day of swim lessons. You will notice he has a shirt on, that is because he refused to take it off, what a stinker! He thinks swim lessons are all over, just wait until he finds out he will be taking lessons at the YMCA in the winter!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Touch a Truck

On Friday Eric, Ethan, Maya and I headed to "touch a truck". We met chrissy, Dave, Lucas, amy, and Riley. As soon as Ethan saw all of the trucks he started screaming n the car, he was so excited! He got to go in every truck imaginable, even a helicopter. The horns on the trucks were a little loud for Maya but she got to sit in the helicopter with Ethan. The finale was actually watching the helicopter take off!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mark and Maya

Uncle Mark came home for a couple of days and he was playing outside in my parents backyard with Maya. Maya loves to be outside and it has not been too hot out, she enjoyed spending some time with her godfather.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Omaha Zoo

On our trip out to LeMars, Iowa to see Grandma and Papa Langel we stopped at the Omaha Zoo. Grandma, Papa, Tera, Joe and Maren met us there. We got to the zoo when it opened and we were there until about 4 in the afternoon. I think we saw everything you could possibly see. This includes a 3D movie which scared Ethan to death (he thought the fish were going to eat him), a sky tram (which equally scared mom to death), and a train ride around the zoo (Ethan's favorite). Maya enjoyed just being outside and watching all of the people. Although there were a few three year old challenges throughout the day I think everyone had a great time. both kids fell asleep within two minutes of getting in the car, that is the sign of great time!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Mortem Arboretum

One of the only hot summer days that we have had so far we headed out to the Mortem Arboretum with Grandma and Papa Slick and Erika. It was a little too hot for Maya but, Ethan had a blast. We all took turns climbing in the tree houses and Ethan got to explore the animal habitats.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Roll Over

I was able to get a shot of Maya in action rolling over. She doesn't like to lay on her back so...

Keep Going!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Maya's Batism

It was a beautiful day for Maya's baptism. We had a wonderful brunch before hand at Grandma and Papa Slick's house and then went on to the baptism. It was a really nice ceremony. The kids made it through the long ceremony and Ethan entertained the whole family. I am thankful there was so much family there to entertain him and be there for Maya's big day.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hanging out with the Family

The rest of Eric's family came out for Maya's baptism this weekend and Ethan had a chance to play with all of his uncles and aunts.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Chicago Children's Museum

Eric's Parents came a couple days early for Maya's baptism. We had planned on going to the Mortem Arboretum for the day but, the weather did not cooperate. Instead we packed up and went downtown Chicago. We ate lunch at the Grand Lux and the went to the children's museum. We were there for almost three hours Ethan had a blast with all of the different exhibits. He especially loved the water works area. Needless to say we were all exhausted when we got home.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Rainforest Cafe

Since Maya has been born Ethan hasn't been getting as much mom and dad time as he was used to so, grandma and grandpa Slick came over to watch Maya while we took Ethan to The Rainforest Cafe. Ethan loved the fake crocodile and our table was right next to a huge fish tank, Ethan counted five different Dory's.

Playing T-Ball

It's Baseball season!! Ethan got out his baseball bat and glove and took a couple practice swings. He had a lot of fun and made some pretty good hits.

Monday, June 1, 2009

We put Maya on her stomach and this is the first time she was able to hold herself up. She held it there for quite a while and then of course face planted. Ethan decided he would show her how to do it, what a big brother.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ethan and Maya

Ethan was laying next to Maya on the ground and I thought it was such a cute picture, they kept looking back and forth at each other.
From Ethan and Maya

Friday, May 22, 2009

Joe and Maren Come to Visit

Joe and Maren came to visit Ethan and see Maya for the first time. Ethan made sure he woke them up early every morning!

Maya's First Bath

Maya took her first bath, she was not too happy with me. Ethan wanted his picture taking a bath as well.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ethan Feeding Maya

Ethan wanted to help feed Maya today so I thought I would let him try. He did a really good job and I dont think Maya minded too much.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Easter!!

For Easter this year we headed out to Grandma and Papa Langel's house in Iowa. This was Maya's first 8 hour car trip both her and Ethan did awesome! We were only there for a few days but it was jam packed. This was the first time Maya met her great grandparents. Ethan celebrated his birthday again along with uncle James whose birthday was in April. We colored Easter eggs and the Easter bunny even made an appearance in grandma's back yard. We had to wake Ethan up so he could see the bunny and have an easter egg hunt before we went to church.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ethan's Third Birthday!!

Happy Birthday E!!! Ethan was three years old on this day. Unfortunately Ethan and mom were sick with fevers so it was pretty low key. That didn't stop Ethan from tearing through all of the gifts that he got and eating his birthday cake. Grandma Slick, Aunt Erika, and Great Grandma Grossel were able to come over to celebrate.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Ethan loves to go to Grandma and Grandpa Slick's house and help out with gardening. He especially loves to get stuck in the mud, check out the boots!
From Helping Planting a Garden