Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gingerbread Houses

It has been an annual event to go to my dad country club to decorate Gingerbread houses. Every year it has been one of Ethan's favorite thing to do during the holiday season, and this year Maya got to join in for the first time. this year we met my parents and aunt Erika there. Ethan was very patient about waiting to decorate the gingerbread houses and eating dinner first. they make the whole event kid friendly they have every type of kids food possible that you could want in a buffet along with food for the adults and then they have a station for the kids to make sundaes. finally the kids are able to decorate their gingerbread house at the table. they provide a huge bowl of candy and then Ethan and Maya dug in. I wasnt sure if Maya would like doing it but, she sat for quite a while putting up candy. she did lck quite a few fo the candies before they want on the house. Ethan put every last piece of candy up on the house.

Putting up the Christmas Tree

You will notice there are only two pictures of the Langel family putting up the Christmas tree this year. This was the calm before the storm. This was Maya's first year of really being able to take part in the festivities and boy did she ever try to take part. Immediately following the two picture there were ornaments being thrown across the room paper flying everywhere and Ethan screaming that Maya was going to break everything. Meanwhile Maya had a huge smile on her face while she was singing about Christmas. Maybe we will have more pics next year!

Building a snowman

On Saturday we woke up to Ethan flying through our door screaming that there was snow outside and asking if we could go and play out in it. Me being the ultimate procrastinator had not gotten any boots yet, so off we went at 8 am to get snow boots for the kids. When we were finally able to make the snowman Ethan, Eric and Amani our neighbor made a pretty good snowman. maya was sleeping so she will have to join in next time. Ethan was pretty proud of his snowman, we were even able to use the snowman kit that I had when I was little.