Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Last night was Halloween and we lucked out there was not rain and the sun was shining. It got a little chilly as the night went on but it didn't stop Ethan and Maya! Ethan went a Wolverine, which he has been wearing the costume all week and has been known to sport it to the grocery store a few times. Maya had the choice between a couple of costumes and she ended up wanting to wear the witch costume, she has been very particular about what she wears recently, and so I assume her pickiness has started!! I was able to get one pic of her with her hat on but that was it. The night before we carved pumpkins which Ethan picked out a spider and Eric did the rest of the work. On Halloween we went out trick or treating and I wasnt sure how Maya would do. Ethan convinced Uncle Mark to come out with us. Maya was very timid in the beginning and made us hold her but, once she found out that she got to put a piece of candy in her bucket every time there was no holding her back. She would push her way to the front of the line and then would say a sweet little thank you. We were able to stay out for about an hour and half and then Ethan said he was done and ready to eat some candy so we went home, warmed up and had some chili.