Monday, July 26, 2010

Lake Okoboji

The week of the fourth of July we went with Eric's parents, Staci, and Tera to Lake Okoboji. We were able to stay in Eric's aunt and uncle's cabin which is about 50 feet from the lake. We had wonderful weather and a great time. Right behind the house was a small creek where Ethan would take his fishing pole and net and try to catch some fish in the morning. Maya enjoyed this as well but, she constantly was trying to jump in the water. We were also able to take the Eric's Uncle's boat out everyday. Ethan had a blast in the boat and he even got a chance to go tubing. He went tubing with every one of us and he only fell off the tube once but, he had his life jacket on so he popped right back up. Maya did fairly well on the boat as long as I was holding her. She wouldn't let anyone else hold her and she was especially upset when I went out on the tube with Ethan! Every night Papa Langel made a bonfire in the yard and we had smores. It was a great small getaway that we will have to do more often.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

4th of July

Over the fourth we were in LeMars, Iowa. Ethan remembers exactly what we did last year for the fourth so he made sure everything was the same. We took two trucks out to the fair grounds earlier in the evening to get a good spot and then around 9:30 everybody walked to the fairgrounds. Almost everybody from Eric's family was able to make it back for the 4th which was really special for Ethan. Maya even made the trip to see the fireworks, however she was up into the wee hours of the night reinacting the firework noises for Eric and I!!! She may have to wait a couple more years until she sees them again. We had to make sure that we brought lemonade with us as well as popcorn and we couldn't forget the gummy worms. The fireworks were just as good as last year. Ethan kept screaming which ones were his favorite ones and he especially enjoyed the sparklers after the fireworks!