Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!

Easter Sunday we got up early and actually made it on time to 7:30 am mass. We met my family at church and then had brunch at my mom's house. The Easter bunny visited Maya and Ethan at their house so the kids got to find their baskets and enjoed the rest of the day. since it was so nice they were able to spend a lot of time outside as well.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Go Fly a Kite

Joe and Maren came for a visit over Easter weekend. They brought Ethan his birthday gift which included a shark kite (they know how much Ethan loves sea creatures). since we all had off on Good Friday and it was a perfectly windy day we decided to go and fly the kite. it literally went up in the air within seconds and stayed up for a very long time. It was so windy we had to make sure Ethan held on really tightly otherwise it would have been gone!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ethan's Easter Party

Since Ethan and I had different Spring Breaks when I was on mine I was abloe to go to his school Easter Party. Ethan was very excited that I was able to come. the kids played games and had a bunch of snacks and of course an easter egg hunt. It was a fun morning to spend with Ethan.