Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dress Like Dad

Today at Ethan's school it was "dress up like your mom or dad." Ethan wasn't to keen on having to dress up but, when he got to pick out a tie from a friend he was really excited. He wore the tie all day and even slept with it on.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Maya's 1st birthday!

Maya Grace turned one years old this Saturday. It is amazing how fast time flies, especially with the second one. Maya was able to celebrate her birthday with some family and friends. Maya had fun playing with the boys but she was kind of attached to my hip and didn't stray to far. she enjoyed opening all of her wonderful gifts, Ethan had a great time helping her and he is counting the days until his birthday. She was able to try her first piece of cake (that I have given her I cant speak for any of her grandparents)she loved the frosting. I made vanilla cupcakes and piped flowers on the top. She just went to her one year check up and everything looks great, we feel so blessed to have such a happy and healthy beautiful little girl!