Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ethan's First Day of Preschool

This was Ethan's first day of Preschool. I think mom was more nervous than Ethan actually was. He did great and he even took a picture with his teacher for me.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Joe and Maren came for a visit and we were able to go to a the Labor Day parade, and meet my family there. We also went miniature golfing and Joe and Maya made a great team, he held Maya the whole time and managed to beat the rest of us.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Maya's bath

Since the kids bathroom was getting painted and Maya needed a bath we had to use our bathroom sink. Ethan decided to give us a hand. I dont know who got more wet Maya or me and Ethan! Please excuse the clorox bottles in the background, no we do not wash our kids in bleach!!!!

Ethan helps daddy paint

We are painting the kids upstairs bathroom, Ethan wanted to help his dad and paint too. Eric set up a section where ethan could paint, so here is Ethan's master piece.

Maya's First Ride on the Swing!

This is Maya first ride on the swing in our backyard, as you can tell she loved it!!

Navy Pier

On one of the last days before I headed back to school I took Ethan to Navy Pier. My sister and my brother joined us. Maya stayed home with Grandma. It was the day before the air and water show so the planes were practicing pretty low in the sky right over us. We took the train down which was the cheapest part of the trip and I think the most fun for Ethan. We also took a boat taxi and went on every possible ride at Navy Pier. We had fun playing miniature golf going on the ferris wheel, however Erika wanted off that ride as soon as possible! We ended the day just as it was starting to too hot and too crowded.