Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Brookfield Zoo

This week is the last week before school starts so I decided to take Ethan to the zoo. Grandma and Grandpa Slick came with us along with Mark. Thank goodness they were there, I threw my back out that morning so I kind of hobbled along through the zoo. Ethan had a great time, the dinosaurs scared him to death and when we were on our way home he told us all of the animals that we had forgotten!

Will and Maya

One of my best friends, Kate had a baby a week and a half after Maya was born. She had a beautiful boy named Will. We have not been able to get the kids together too many times and the times we have seen each other I have forgotten my camera. Jim and Kate were able to come over for a BBQ and I was able to get some shots of the kids together. It was kind of crazy between Ethan talking nonstop and Maya and Will but, it was a lot of fun and great to finally get time to spend with the Pustays.

Swim Lessons

Every Saturday morning over the summer Ethan has been taking swim lessons. Needless to say he has not been very excited to go. He cried every saturday that we took him. He always got in the water but he would cry for about the first five minutes. My goal was to at least get him in the water. Here are a couple of pictures from his last day of swim lessons. You will notice he has a shirt on, that is because he refused to take it off, what a stinker! He thinks swim lessons are all over, just wait until he finds out he will be taking lessons at the YMCA in the winter!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Touch a Truck

On Friday Eric, Ethan, Maya and I headed to "touch a truck". We met chrissy, Dave, Lucas, amy, and Riley. As soon as Ethan saw all of the trucks he started screaming n the car, he was so excited! He got to go in every truck imaginable, even a helicopter. The horns on the trucks were a little loud for Maya but she got to sit in the helicopter with Ethan. The finale was actually watching the helicopter take off!